Master Bird Dog Pose: Core Strength With No Back Pain

Hey there!

Have you ever tried a core exercise that seemed straightforward, but turned out to be trickier than expected? That’s often the reality with Bird Dog, a pose that might look simple, but requires finesse to reap the full benefits.


Why Bird Dog?

The Bird Dog pose is...

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Chaturanga Dandasana is NOT Plopasana: Maintaining Body Integrity in Your Practice


In our yoga practice, we often come across poses and sequences that challenge us, pushing our physical and mental boundaries.


I personally believe this practice makes us stronger inside and out.


Chaturanga Dandasana is a standard practice in most vinyasa classes, that can be...

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The Essential Key 🔑 To Mastering Upward Facing Dog


Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) is a rejuvenating yoga pose that offers numerous long term benefits to your ‍‍ practice. However, I see many students tend to place their knees on the mat while getting into this pose, which unintentionally hinders progress, growth, and strength....

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